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 “ • 66% of consumers have been inspired to purchase from a new brand after seeing me- dia images from other consumers (Stackla) • Consumers are 71% more likely to make a purchase based on media referrals. (Hubspot) • Conversions increase 133% when mobile shoppers see positive reviews before buying. (Bazaarvoice) • 78% of consumers say companies’ me- dia posts impact their purchases. (Forbes) • 56% of consumers say they’re more in- fluenced by media images and videos when online shopping now than they were before the pandemic (Stackla) WHAT TO DO? Depending on your business, there are many ways to make your product, service or items.... News. Let’s talk about a restaurant business for instance. You have a fancy restaurant, you’re the only restaurant cooks and serves the steak, kebab and desserts. Yet many are not aware of it. Like many other businesses, restaurant business has parts; media relation is one of them. Here are some of the things you should do; Web page. Having an attractive, pro- fessional website is the best way to stand out from the competition. A good effective website helps build a strong online presence and helps communicate quality information to not just your consumers but media. 81% of consumers’ • 81% of consumers’ purchasing decisions are influenced by their friends’ purchasing social media posts. (Forbes) decisions are influenced by their friends’ social media posts. (Forbes) FACTS ABOUT MEDIA party or something like that. National Media. Search and collect the list of national media, restaurant reviewers that specializes in restaurants and food busi- nesses. If you are in the USA, contact The New York Times Restaurant Review editor if you are assertive about your cuisine, your services and the ambiance of your restaurant. Stay in touch with both local and national media editors and send them press releases occasionally. They will eventually write a review or talk about your restaurant either on their conventional media, digital or social media platforms. Reviews. Be active on review sites, magazines and newspapers. As Bazaar Voice stated that conversions increase 133% when mobile shoppers see positive reviews before buying. Media reviews are most effective tools to bring customers to your restaurant. Most customers read reviews before dining at the restaurant. So, reviews must be answered and managed. They can make or break your brand. Being proactive on reviews, both good and negative, is an excellent way to promote your restaurant. Grand opening. Organize a grand opening all the time. If you open a new restaurant or branch that is a good opportu- nity to invite media, local political figures, artists and some of your loyal customers. If not a new restaurant or branch, do a sea- son’s opening, celebration or find a reason to invite these figures. Celebrate. Collect the list of local and national media that covers your interest or scoop of your area. Celebrating their birthday, Xmas day and so on, one might be a good reason to stay in touch with them. Get Awards. Be award-winning, even be multi award-winning entrepreneur or company. Winning any awards or credible write ups in newspapers and magazines are usually the indications that the business is committed to high standards. Social Media. Social media is a part of mass media. Use and update them effectively. Social media has become the most influential and important virtual space where the platform is not only used for social networking but is also a great way of digitally advertising your brand and your products. As a result, keep in touch with media is an essential part of your success not just in a restaurant business but many other business- es. Whenever a new show, a new movie or a book is released, they highlight what the media have said. So, it’s extremely import- ant what media says about your restaurant, cuisine, desserts and ambiance.  ABOUT THE AUTHOR F. Oncu is Founder and Director of Newyox, a London-based multi-sided media platform creates opportunities for publishers. He is also a publisher of a few magazines including The Reader’s House, Entrepreneur Prime and London Taste. He has over 20 years of experience in media, plus 10 years of education in Journalism at the College of Saint Rose (BA), Publishing at NYU (MS) and Digital Transformation at MIT (EP) Make your webpage media friendly. Your webpage should have a “Press Room” page which should cover press releases, high quality images and recipes of some dishes you serve. Historical information about some of the items, products and or ser- vices you have and news about people like political figures, artists, teams visited your space, office, restaurant.... Their reviews and images should be in press room page as well. Press release. Write a press release whenever there is a reason to do so, like a grand opening, seasonal opening, new prod- ucts, special items, services on special days, like Christmas, Father’s Day, Mothers Days, Valentina’s Day or any new dishes you just started serving. The press release should include the atmosphere of your space, lighting, location, ambiance and some of the reviews from customers. Local Media. Search and collect the list of any local media and contact the editors. Invite them to your restaurant for some reasons like press conference, introducing your new dish, or something about your restaurant contributes such as an event, TASTE COVENTRY II 21 

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