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    Taste joy after every sip Could sherbet be the new drink of the UK? Makam looks partners to join the UK market Sherbet is a drink which was very popular in Ottoman, South Asia, Caucasus and the Balkans yet it remains as popular today as it was 300 years ago in Turkey, Central Asia, Balkans and some parts of Middle East.  with its Ottoman drink, Sherbet By DAN PETERS July 8, 2022 London urkish cuisine is largely the heritage of Ottoman cuisine, which can be described as a fusion and refinement of Mediterranean, Balkan, Mid- Eastern, Central Asian, East- ern European, Armenian, and Georgian cuisines. Turkish cuisine has in turn in- fluenced those and other neighbouring cuisines, including those of Balkans, Central Europe, Western Europe and Great Britain. The Ottomans fused various culinary traditions of their realm with influenc- es from Mesopotamian cuisine, Greek cuisine, Levantine cuisine, Egyptian cuisine, Balkan cuisine, along with tra- ditional Turkic elements from Central Asia such as ayran and kaymak, creat- ing a vast array of specialities. Sherbet is one of them. Turkish cuisine, which dominates the British market, is un- thinkable without an Ottoman shebet, in which this situation appears as a short- coming situation. Sherbet is a drink which was very popular in Ottoman, South Asia, Caucasus and the Balkans yet it remains as popular today as it was 300 years ago in Turkey, Central Asia, Balkans and some parts of Middle East. Sherbet has been reserved for special occasions, and has been popular during the month of Ramadan and it is served in large crystal bowls and is enjoyed after sunset to break the day’s fast. In rural areas of both western and eastern Turkey, Sherbet is still a popular drink yet it is mostly home made and should drink it in a day, doesn’t last months even weeks and not good for trade. Yet, an enterprise in Bursa, where is a city of North Western in Turkey produces sher- bets for trade. Along with its refreshing taste, Ot- toman sherbet health benefits are a lot, which includles helping to lower cho- lesterol, weight management and reg- ulating blood pressure. It makes skin smoother and is very effective in remov- ing radiation from the body. Sherbet is a blend of many fruits and spices, which makes it a remarkable antioxidant, as well. The company Makam, located in Bursa, the city in the North Easter of Turkiye, produces types of possible sherbet flavors, some of the most pop- ular include date basil, date rose, tama- rind (demirhindi), mandarin and pome- granate, planning to produce sherbet in the UK market and look for franchises. “The market is stable and strong in the UK. Turkish, Balkans and Middle East restaurants itself a huge market for the Sherber.” Mr. Ayhan Yasan, CEO of ExpoTurk Group Companies said in a statement last week, and he underlined that we’ve been looking for partners to distribute our variety of sherbets and other drinks. TASTE COVENTRY II 19 TASTE LONDON II 19 d l e  Desire meets taste. Along with its refreshing taste, Ot- toman sherbet health benefits are a lot, which includles helping to lower cholesterol, weight management and regulating blood pressure. It makes skin smoother and is very effective in removing radiation from the body.   T / makamsarayicecekleri / makamicecekleri 

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