Page 11 - Reader's House Magazine Issue 49
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 Gigglet the Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp is a heartwarm- ing, beautifully illustrated tale that celebrates friendship, nature, and childhood adventures—perfect for sparking joy in young readers!
 performing in something, whether
it was for fun or competition. I was always available to sing for family weddings at their request, with “Ava Maria” being the piece of choice, and I never thought that the musical side of my life would fade away and slowly disappear. Maintaining steady, reliable work that you enjoy or are passionate about can be quite challenging. I found it not only necessary but absolutely critical to my livelihood that I continue to find ways to grow and strengthen my skillset in corporate America. Being able to provide for myself and my family became my true focus.
As time went on, I found myself asking, “What’s wrong with me? Why am I so sad? I have no reason to be sad, so why do I feel how I feel? What’s next for me? Is this really me now and do I need to find a way to be okay with feeling this way?” Then it all dawned on me, I
A.M. Berkowitz is a masterful storyteller whose heartfelt tales inspire creativity, joy, and a love for reading in children.
are all going to think I’m crazy!” But it’s not crazy!
How did it feel when you saw your brand new book cover for the very first time? Or when you first held your book in your hands?
This was seriously the best day ever (aside from my wedding day). THE BEST DAY EVER! The day my book was due to arrive at the house, I tracked/stalked the entire FedEx route every few minutes un- til my doorbell rang! I was texting my husband with the countdown
of the number of blocks away until the moment I would finally get to hold my baby! When the doorbell rang, I ran down the stairs with my phone and my husband on speaker as I screamed in the face of the FedEx guy “SHE’S HERE SHE’S HERE!”. The FedEx guy laughed and looked totally shocked as he realized this was not the typical delivery to our house. I ripped open the package, tore through the layers of wrapping like my first Barbie
at Christmas, clasped the book to my chest with all my might, and cried the happiest ugliest cry I had ever cried. I squeezed Gigglet as
if she were a real baby while my husband remained on the phone and cried with me. I get that Gigglet‘s not a real baby, but if you ask my husband...
What message or values
do you hope to convey to children through your stories? How do you envision your perfect reader?
life was about to take on a new direction.
How do you come up with the themes and characters for your books?
I meditate A LOT! Gigglet The Happy Little Piglet Goes to School, was unexpected and, surprisingly, came to me easily. One morning when I was going about my busi- ness as usual day, I received a spam email that said “Lit Gadget” in the subject line, but my brain read the email as “Gigglet.” I blinked once, blinked twice, laughed out loud at myself, and thought “Silly Amber, that doesn’t say Gigglet, it says
Lit Gadget.” I then wrote the word “Gigglet” at the top of my notepad in front of me and began to ask and answer a bunch of questions...
Are there any upcoming projects or books that you are currently working on?
I recently published Gigglet
the Happy Little Piglet Goes to
the Beach and Gigglet the Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp, along with their companion activity/coloring books. These books introduce new characters to the series with many more on the way in Gigglet’s new and upcoming adventures.
Spoiler Alert Our giggly little Gigglet is getting ready to become a big sister!
I am excited to share my new website, It highlights Gigglet’s adventures, has free printables and introduces new characters in a fun and interac- tive way. In addition to my website, I have another fun surprise for all of my Gigglet fans out there! You will be very excited to know that there will soon be something very plump and plush to cuddle and snuggle with while you read the Gigglet series. Keep checking my website for updates, you will not want to miss out on all that’s to come!
What advice would you give to aspiring children’s book authors?
Don’t ever let anyone dull your sparkle or steal your joy around what you are creating. Always find a way to move forward and push past naysayers, their opinion does not matter and will not ever define your selfworth! Be authentic and express yourself without fear or judgment. The only opinion that matters is your own! I think Dr. Seuss said it best, “those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”.
– What’s a Gigglet? But of course, she’s the happiest little
piglet in all the land!
– What is she doing? Well, since she is young and just a wee little piglet, she is living on the farm and is about to start her first day of school.
– What does a day at school look like for the happi- est little piglet in all the land?
  was sinking into a depression from a lack of creativity. It’s not that I missed the music per se, it’s that
I missed thinking creatively and dreaming up fun things to be, do, and have. I was dreading facing another day of no creativity and no inspiration. I felt lost, as if I was on autopilot going through the motions to make it through the day. I went to bed one night with the heaviest heart I had ever felt. With tears streaming down my face I asked the heavens above for a change. After sheer exhaustion, I finally passed out and released all the resistance. The next morning I woke up feeling like a different person. My heart wasn’t heavy at all, I felt “lighter” with a sense of relief coming over me. There was a voice inside of
Well, she is happy and enjoying every moment. She is eager to start her adventure-filled day at school! She enjoys reading, writing, paint- ing, performing, eating, napping, playing, etc.
me that said, “Amber, you’re okay, everything is going to be okay, you’ve got this, there’s nothing serious going on here, you do you.” So I got up and went about my day not knowing that on this day, my
at school. Adults would encourage children to share their stories, make up silly words, and even pretend
to be the characters. The most important thing to remember when reading the Gigglet books is to be in the moment, have fun, follow your bliss, and “GET YOUR GIGGLE ON.”
My pen then frantically took on a life of its own, it was writing so fast I couldn’t control it, but I felt com- pletely calm. I didn’t even know what I was writing. Approximately 7 minutes in of non-stop writing,
I stopped. “What just happened? What is this?” I put my pen down and read through everything I had written. It’s a children’s book, I THINK? It’s the story of Gigglet the Happy Little Piglet Goes to School! “Oh, my word, I just wrote a children’s book!” My mind was flooded with thoughts...”I’m not a writer. I know nothing about writing children’s books. I am totally out of my element. I know music, I don’t know children’s books. How am I going to explain this to my husband or anyone else for that matter, they
Whether you are a child reading this book or an adult reading this book to a child, I want readers to have feelings of happiness, joy, and love. The “PIGGY PERFECT” reader will have fun going along with Gigglet throughout her day
Reader’s House II 11

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