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 US with just four, so it’s easy to memorize those things or look them up before your consultations, that way you also know who to go to for what.
In your opinion, what are the key fac- tors pet owners should consider when selecting food for their furry friends?
Is it commercialized pet feed? Is it raw food?
Is it cooked food?
Then, where does it come from, is it organic, is it human grade, or pet grade or does it have synthetic undigestible supple- ments and what all of all of that means, then they can determine what it all means, and if what they are putting in and on their dog
is disease creating or health creating and
if they evaluate foods that way, and what
is really best for their loving pet, they will easily know how to keep them happy, healthy and bouncing for joy, because at minimum that’s certainly what our pets deserve for
all the love, loyalty and devotion they give us, not to mention the items we mess up accidentally and they forgive us.
How do you envision the future of pet nutrition evolving, and how can pet owners stay informed about the latest developments in this field?
Gosh, pet nutrition is evolving cons- tantly, even if you googled raw dog food, or fresh pet food or maybe even organic raw dog food, you will see so many options, all of course better than those dried, synthetic, dehydrating foods
often available on the cheap. I do think people are opening their eyes more to what they see and questioning many things now, whether it’s for them or
their pets, so this is a super time to
truly educate pet parents as they are much more open to it and seeking valuable information.
I’d love to see a pet health coach at every traditional clinic, as you may have noticed a lot more, in traditional medicine for people. Pet coaches, Pet or Veterinary nutritionists, Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialists, Pet Food Consul- tants, Animal Wellness Coaches, and the like, so people could go there as needed and get informed to make the very best decisions for what they put on and in their pet because it certainly matters as it does for us, we are eating and doing things that create disease or health
Dr. Stephanie Krol, leading the charge in pet nutrition advocacy and education, stands as a beacon of knowledge and compassion.
for people too, because just because someone with a degree says, it’s safe and has a white coat, doesn’t simply mean they are right, the test could be wrong,
the data could be skewed, you could have someone with little experience in that area or new and they could do their best, but I always suggest 2nd and 3rd opinions for all things because that is exactly what it is, is an “opinion” and people forget that when someone is nice to them. It’s so cri- tical and important for pet owners to ask questions, get informed and do not follow someone just because they are nice, have a white coat and a degree, they really have to get the data, the understanding behind how they got there and what basis they are forming their “opinion”.
My book addresses a lot of these misconceptions and more, as well as vac- cinations, raw feeding, species appropri- ate feeding, how to biologically feed and why, even the stages of cancer creation to raw bones and many other items even for puppies and cats, and I do my best, to pro- vide the latest data and research from top journals and professionals and veterinary schools, so people can learn the knowled- ge, but most importantly, learn why they need to ask the questions, get informed so they can make the best decisions for their pet. I certainly tell my story, but I don’t tell anyone to do anything. I educate, provide research and fill in all the blanks traditional care misses and a lot of it is because it’s not their job truly. Many, many people are misinformed on what type of veterinarian to go to for what, me- aning, broken legs, uncontrolled bleeding, surgeries, drugs and vaccinations among other things obviously and specialties, well that’s traditional medicine, and health, wellness, nutrition, then you’re looking for anything from a dog or cat coach, to a holistic veterinarian, or a raw dog food nutritionist specialist like my- self, but that’s also why you have to ask questions and be informed so you know where to go to help your pet also, because unfortunately in the field clinicians aren’t educating clients when they come in or sending them home with things to read
or explaining these differences, they roll right into the issues and the appointment rather than asking first, is this client in the right spot, is this issue really for me to solve and that’s the biggest thing missing in the industry and the educating of pet parents, so I have attempted to do so with my book, so pet parents know where to go, for what and to the correct person if they are looking for true healing, nutrition or drugs. For example, Europe and other countries combined have pet nutrition as part of their curriculum as opposed to the
and wellness and it’s no different for our pets!
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