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 Marlena Frank, acclaimed author of “The Seeking,” discusses her inspiration and creative process in an exclusive interview with Reader’s House Magazine.
Unraveling Shadows with
Exploring Inspiration, World-Building, and Character Dynamics in “The Seeking”
  Marlena Frank discusses “The Seeking,” drawing from dreams, wildlife inspiration, and familial dynamics, crafting a
the extraordinary, where characters traverse land- scapes both familiar and fantastical. Marlena Frank, a luminary in the realm of young adult fantasy and horror, invites readers into such realms with her grip- ping narratives, each page a portal to worlds both
line between dreams and reality blurs, where the forest teems with creatures both enchanting and ominous, and where a young protagonist named Dahlia na- vigates a labyrinth of ritualistic challenges and unsettling truths.
In a recent interview with Reader’s House Magazine, Frank delves into the genesis of “The Seeking,” unraveling the threads of inspiration that wove together to form its tapestry. Rooted in
a vivid dream that gripped her imagination, Frank’s narrative unfolds with the surrealism of a haunting reverie, drawing readers into a world where every shadow conceals a secret, and every step
leads deeper into the unknown.
Central to Frank’s narrative
is Dahlia, a protagonist whose journey mirrors the author’s own penchant for resilience and deter- mination. Through Dahlia’s eyes, readers witness a world fraught with peril and possibility, where the bonds of family and the solace of love serve as beacons in the darkness.
But it’s not just the characters that captivate in Frank’s tale; it’s the world itself, meticulously crafted with an eye for detail and an ear for atmosphere. From the eerie depths of the forest to the enigmatic presence of the Gray People, every facet of Carra
gripping tale of resilience
E and revelation wondrous and eerie.
mbarking on a journey like Readers’ Favorite, Frank into the world of has carved a niche for herself in literature often means the literary landscape. Her latest venturing into realms venture, “The Seeking,” beckons
where the ordinary merges with readers into a realm where the
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With several bestsellers under her belt and a slew of accolades from platforms

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