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gh everything as quick as possible to save my boy.
I applied this experience to my dog. When I saw what it did for him, I became convinced that I needed to share it with the world. There are too many dogs out there right now who are suffering. They’re itchy, inflamed, losing the bounce in their step, and prematurely aging. Every meal of overly processed, cleverly marketed commercial pet feed, every toxin we put into their systems and on them because it’s convenient, and every so-called treatment, pill, or potion we give them can be stealing their health and shortening their years. That’s not okay. You and I can do something about it—for our dogs.
Dr. Stephanie Krol's expertise in pet nutrition and wellness inspires profound change, empowering pet owners worldwide to prioritize their furry companions' health.
  The other reason for the book was purely mine. I had realized one day and was asking myself what matters, did all the education, working three jobs through college, going full time, being a Dean of Schools, Professor and educator for a couple decades all now matter, and when we get to that forty mark we all start asking what matters and what did matter and after thinking about all I have done, I star- ted asking myself, how does one leave a legacy, and how does anyone know once we are gone after a certain period that we were here, and I came up
Can you share any personal anecdotes or experiences that influenced your approach to pet care?
What do you consider to be the most common misconceptions about pet nutrition, and how does your book address them?
with paying gobs of money to put my name on a library or hospital or funny enough, to write a book that goes on to infinity, and it just so happens I ended up naming my publishing services company with the word infinity, and I just realized that, for different reasons, so it’s amazing
as he had been getting allergies, and
it showed that out of 300 different genetic issues that cause disease, he had none. So what I was being told
by top veterinarians, of which I knew were showing me test after test, needle biopsy results, and ultrasounds, just made little sense. I was also not given straightforward answers and was told, well, it’s called the practice of medici- ne for a reason, and a light went off.
that sound and make the assumption; they care about my pet, so it’s good. Or they hear one piece of information that sounds good, like more real meat, and think, oh that’s best, I will choose that one, without looking into how pet food is really made, where it comes from and that it is really pet feed.
how we end up where we are at times doing what we are doing, and as we all know, books go on to infinity, because when we go we have to will them to someone for the royalties, so that’s also why I wrote my book, to leave
You see, he was fed the best organic raw dog foods, stopped unnecessarily vaccinating him early on, gave proof of titers instead and he had perfect filtered water, no chemicals in the house or in the backyard, and I even washed his feed from subdivision walks from other people who spray their yards and they told me out of nowhere at age 11, and also being the first time he was ever sick that he had 3-4 months to live with or without surgery and if I don’t do surgery to remove his spleen it will kill him, and while they are in there they will check the liver etc. That was really it verba- tim, so none of it made sense, and he was the type of dog that would walk into a clinic immediately traumatized from a vaccination experience when he was just a baby a veterinarian gave him a shot in the leg and he was in pain for two days barely walking and from then on it was panting, sweating, drooling and well, I know surgery, a clinic, fighting with them to let me stay would be nearly impossible and I
The other side I see, is they love their vet because they smile at them and are nice to their dog, just simply assuming that person has their pet’s
a legacy and I felt it was the reason I was here in this world, to help reverse pain and disease in pets and prevent it before it happens.
best interest in mind but never step back and think, they
How did you go about conduc- ting your research for this book?
Initially, I sought the top people in Holistic Veterinary Medicine even internationally, Homeopathy, and Chinese Medicine to see what my options were, and it turned out, that my choices were the safest, least risky, and most focused on health, wellness, pain removal, and real healing. I then applied what I learned from my doc- torate, weeding through the research, from everywhere I could find on how to reverse disease states, what causes it, and how the body heals. I used my certifications in Raw Dog Food Nut- rition, Functional Medicine, and pre- vious knowledge as a Vet Tech. I have
are running
a business
and providing good customer service at that’s likely it. They don’t ask, what is your background, did you have any nutrition courses, where did you go to school at, and we should ask that in the sick care (health care) industry
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had a dog since I was born as I arrived home to my first puppy right from the hospital, and have had one my entire life, minus on year when I moved
really felt that in itself might kill him more. So, that’s when I delved, into learning everything I could, set-
ting up consultations, researching journals and medical testing, literally everything I could
to another state. I have also had two horses from like 10 years on and rode horses and competed professionally from seven years on for 25 years, so I also had more pet knowledge, unfor- tunately it was in the traditional sense, so I really had to quickly learn what was the most appropriate thing to do, to heal my boy.
find and settled on a species appropriate diet to heal him while removing all toxins, and taking the drag off his body so he could heal, and he did.
Originally, I was very traditional minded; I had three degrees from traditional schools, was schooled in quantitative methods in my doctorate, and really believed testing and appli- cation, and vaccination and antibiotics were necessary. I wasn’t until I know how well I had taken care of my boy and started titering at three years old and in fact I had run a genetic test
The biggest misconception is that people see commercials on tv with amazing marketing,
but don’t separate the marketing from the actual product. They hear things

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