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 In ‘She Serves the Realm,’ Lee Swanson masterfully continues the captivating journey of Christina Kohl. Set against the tumultuous backdrop of Edward II’s reign, Swanson weaves a tale of love, duty, and intrigue that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. A must-read for fans of historical fiction.
  In “She Serves the Realm,” Lee Swanson masterfully continues
Christina Kohl’s gripping journey, weaving a tapestry of loyalty, love, and peril against the backdrop of Edward II’s turbulent reign. Swanson’s vivid prose transports readers into a world where courage and cunning collide, leaving them yearning for more.
Christina Kohl, the protagonist of your No Man is Her Master series, defies societal norms of her time by seeking adventu- re and independence. What inspired you to create such
a strong and unconventional female character set in the 14th century?
I set out to craft a female chara- cter who would not simply be de- fined by the men in her life. This proved difficult, as there were few opportunities for medieval women to live independently. So, I cheated by having Christina as- sume her brother’s identity. This allowed her to experience life with the freedom enjoyed by her male counterparts, but expressed from a woman’s perspective.
In Her Perilous Game, Christi- na faces political intrigue and danger. How do you approach crafting suspenseful plots while maintaining authenticity to the historical setting?
Her Perilous Game is set in 1310, as King Edward II mounts an expedition to the Scottish borders in a futile attempt
to force Robert the Bruce to battle. Christina sails to Berwi- ck-upon-Tweed to warn her friend, the Earl of Cornwall, of a supposed scheme against his life. The real-life plotting and peril facing Gaveston during this time made a believable backdrop for incorporating Christina’s story in tandem with the earl’s own?
She Serves the Realm intro- duces readers to Christina’s complex journey as she navigates her identity, love, and loyalty amidst the political
turmoil of Edward II’s reign. What challenges did you face in portraying this turbulent historical period?
A challenge was in portraying Piers Gaveston as a sympathetic character. Throughout the first three novels in the series, the un- likely friendship between the tee- naged Christina and the powerful Earl of Cornwall grows, although it is rarely central to the plot. In She Serves the Realm, Gaveston is a major character whose pre- dicaments drive the development of the story. I want readers to discover that the man Christina has grown to love and admire is very different than the despicable caricature commonly depicted in history.
Your novels feature richly developed characters drawn from the lives of merchants and nobility in medieval Europe. How do you research and develop these characters to bring them to life on the page?
In creating characters for my novels, I try to base them initial- ly on people I have discovered in nonfiction sources. For instan- ce, there is a great collection of the correspondence of Hildeb- rand Veckinchusen that provides great insight into the life of a Hansa merchant of the early 15th century. Then I flesh out the cha-
racter with attributes of someone I had read about in fiction, seen in films, or even people I know in real life. After these traits are established they just seem to take on a life of their own.
Your latest novel, She Serves the Realm, delves into themes of love, duty, and sacrifice against the backdrop of civil unrest. What do you hope readers take away from Christina’s story and her expe- riences serving both her own desires and the demands of the realm?
I hope readers view Christina as a person who tries to stay true to herself. She is not infallible; she makes mistakes and some- times suffers for them. She can be overly impetuous, which has at times placed her and her com- panions in mortal danger. But she also has a good heart and a strong sense of right and wrong. Not only is she willing to come to the aid of those she holds dear, but will also defend those who have wronged her when they are treated unjustly. I think it is also important to show that romantic love between two women is a universal truth that transcends history.
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