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 Discover the truth within. ‘Coming Out of the Illusion: Realizing the Real You’ guides readers on a journey of self-discovery.
 Navigating the transition from
a career in the flooring industry
to that of a spiritual author and teacher has been a journey fraught with challenges and revelations. Yet, with unwavering perseverance and a steadfast commitment to his calling, Link continues to chart a course towards a future where his impact resonates far and wide.
As Link sets his sights on the horizon, his aspirations burn bright with the fervent hope of touching countless lives with his message
of authenticity and empowerment. With the imminent release of his second book and a wealth of origi- nal content awaiting eager readers, Link stands poised on the precipice of a new chapter in his journey, ready to illuminate the path for all who seek the light of truth.
Your journey from a challenging childhood to becoming a successful author and spiri-
tual teacher is truly inspi-
ring. Can you share more about how your personal experiences shaped your path and led you to your current mission of assisting others in realizing their spiritual selves?
In my book I have chosen chapters such as Energy, Health, Well-Being, Passion...etc. These and all the chapters in the book relate to what everyone goes through in life. The material is a direct reflection of my Spiritual growth/self-realization and con- sists of insights that I have learned along the way from my personal experiences. My personal struggles have not only fueled the fire for my success but also my desire/ goal to uplift as many people as possible so they can go after their goals and dreams, in turn bringing themselves out of hardship.
Coming Out of the Illusion: Realizing the Real You explores
themes of self-discovery and breaking through the illusions of societal conditioning. What inspired you to write this book, and what message do you hope readers will take away from it?
major self-introspecti- on to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do with my new spi- ritually inspired life.
In your book, you
discuss the search for somet- hing more and the quest for true reality. How do you define true reality, and what practices or insights do you suggest for individuals seeking to awaken to their own truth?
I was inspired to write the book because of suffering, lies and Illusion. Which stemmed from
an increasingly warped society
in which we live in and from a personal standpoint, trying to deal with everything. I want peop-
by myself with very little support. I am still in transition mode with hopes to retire from the Flooring Business soon and focus 100%
on being an author and Spiritual Life Coach.As you continue on your path of service to others, what are your hopes and aspi- rations for the impact of your work, and how do you envision assisting people in their spiritual journeys moving forward?
le to understand that no matter how terrible life seems to be
at any-given-moment, you can break-free out of the Illusion and elevate yourself to new heights with consistent self-growth and perseverance. All you need is the truth and the proper tools in the form of whatever works best for you according to what you are
The Something More that we are all looking for has to do with life on another level of spiritual advancement. A knowing that a higher purpose/experience must be available besides the mundane existence of duality and ego-dri- ven life, steeped in primitive low vibrations/mentality that is the
It is my goal/wish for all of my writing to reach as many people
as possible who resonate with the material. I want to assist people with genuine, authentic, original, truth-filled and pure intention material, so they can experience better empowerment in their lives through spiritual enlightenment. Moving forward - Wait until you see and get a hold of book 2! I
am working on finishing up book 2 now with hopes to release it in 2024! My second book is going to represent another level of advan- ced spiritual teaching and it also represents my level of spiritual growth. It will further assist people with the transitioning times as Earth has moved out of the third dimension. We are now navigating the early fourth dimension and quickly moving to the fifth. My other writings are in the form of
 Christopher Link, author and spiritual teacher, illuminates the path to enlightenment with wisdom born from personal transformation.
interested in.
You mention experiencing a spi- ritual awakening that led to the creation of your first book. Can you elaborate on what that awa- kening was like for you and how it transformed your perspective on life and spirituality?
My personal Spiritual awake- ning brought me out of the path
of negative self-destruction/sabo- tage. - That was so bad, I was on the brink of suicide right before it happened. From the moment of my awakening, the light came back
in my eyes, and I started on a new path to get my act together. The new perspective I had comes in the form of me being a value creator instead of a lost victim. I started
third dimension. True reality is authentic life, beauty, love, compassion, joy, positive life construction...etc. -It is not aging/death - suffering/strife - negativity/destruction - hate/ fear...etc. If individuals want to awaken to their own truth, then the answer is always to seek higher consciousness/ higher vibrations which leads
 to higher self-awareness.
Your journey includes a shift from a career in the flooring industry to becoming a spiritual author and teacher. Can you share more about how you na- vigated this transition and what challenges or revelations you encountered along the way?
I have been in the Flooring Business for 27 years now, up to present and still at it. I started to re-invent myself after my Spiritual Awakening in terms of self-edu- cation to prepare for a new career as a creative writer/author and Spiritual teacher. It has been a very long journey of perseverance and trying to navigate everything
a book - blog site entitled: My Golden Nuggets of Wisdom: Visio- nary Spirituality and I also have
a Substack Newsletter with all original articles that is not related to the book material but still has a spiritual base with self-realization teachings.
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