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 Unveiling the Craft with
 From Entertainment Journalism to Fiction Writing: TExploring the Genesis of ‘The Huntress and the Trickster’
ristan Zelden, a former entertainment power of storytelling. Through The Huntress
journalist with a penchant for delving into and the Trickster, he invites readers on a thrilling media influenced your approach to writing the worlds of video games, movies, and journey that transcends genres and captivates the fiction? Are there any specific lessons television, brings his storytelling prowess imagination—an invitation not to be missed. or skills from journalism that you found
to the forefront in his debut novel, The Huntress Tristan Zelden is a former entertainment particularly valuable in crafting your
and the Trickster. A graduate of California State University, Fullerton, with a degree in journalism, Zelden’s transition from reporting on the fantasti- cal to crafting it himself speaks volumes about his passion for narrative.
journalist who covered video games, movies, and TV. Graduating from California State University, Fullerton, he got his Bachelor’s degree in journa- lism and a passion to start writing. He currently is focused on his career as a novelist with the hope of getting horror novels published. While working on future novels, he tends to read, play video games, get tattoos, and look at cute pictures of dogs and bears on social media.
The most obvious way journalism helped
is the basic writing aspect of it all. It helped
me refine my skills as a writer; although style, prose, and pretty much everything is different when writing fiction, I at least gained impro- vements in the foundation of writing. The other major skill I gained is research. As a journalist, I would ensure I had all the facts straight by researc- hing. Other times, I would research to gain a better insight into the topic I was writing about. When writing fiction, I want it to be believable. So, I research all kinds of relevant topics to make my characters, world, and story come to life. I think covering so many topics when I was in journalism helped me get a broad view of things, especially when I was putting in the work to research all
kinds of subjects.
Your protagonist, Abigail Byrne, is described as a workaholic assas- sin caught up in a dangerous job. What inspired the creation of this character, and what challenges did
In this exclusive interview with Reader’s House Magazine, Zelden shares insights into his creative process, revealing the inspirations and challenges behind the fusion of urban fantasy and thriller that defines his novel. Rooted in a love for the likes
Your debut novel, The Huntress and the Trickster, blends elements of urban fantasy with a thriller narrative. What inspired you to combine these genres, and how did
of John Wick and the recent God of War games, Zelden’s narrative concoction emerges from the collision of these two worlds, sparking the incep- tion of a tale where a John Wick-esque assassin crosses paths with Norse gods.
you approach creating a unique world and story within them?
Zelden’s journalistic background permeates
his approach to fiction, as he seamlessly weaves research and storytelling to construct a
world both believable and captivating.
Through the lens of Abigail Byrne, a
formidable yet conflicted protagonist,
Zelden explores themes of workaho-
lism and personal sacrifice, grounding
his narrative in the complexities of
human relationships amidst a backdrop of danger and intrigue.
The Huntress and the Trickster is not merely
a tale of action and mythology; it is a testament
to Zelden’s meticulous world-building, where
the mundane and the magical coalesce to form
a tapestry of rich narrative tapestry. From the intricacies of assassin culture to the nuances of Norse mythology, Zelden’s attention to detail lends authenticity to his storytelling, inviting readers to immerse themselves fully in his fictional universe.
As Zelden reflects on his journey from journa- lism to fiction writing, he offers valuable insights and advice to aspiring authors navigating the da- unting landscape of publishing. From staying true to one’s creative vision to embracing the learning curve of the publishing process, Zelden’s wisdom serves as a guiding light for those embarking on their own literary endeavors.
In an age where the boundaries between literatu- re and other forms of media blur, Zelden’s narra- tive prowess stands as a testament to the enduring
The idea all came from two different worlds. I
 42 II Reader’s House
Tristan Zelden discusses inspirations, world-building, and the journey from journalism to fiction in crafting his debut
novel, blending urban fantasy with thriller elements.
 am a huge fan of John Wick and the last two God of War games. I did a rewatch of the first three,
at the time only, John Wick movies. Around that time, I replayed 2018’s God of War entry. Consu- ming two things I love dearly popped up this idea in my head that made me think, “What if a John Wick-like assassin went up against a Norse god?” From there, I went into world-building, character development, and building out this story. It all came rather naturally as I thought about the idea for months to years before ever writing it. When
you face in developing her personality and motivations throughout the story?
I did finally commit, I did my research and took notes to figure out the characters and world. Much of that world-building and character development came from making it as grounded as possible despite the fantastical elements. What would the world be like if assassins were legalized workers? How do Norse gods fit into the universe? I asked myself many questions about logic, legality, and lore to create a believable and captivating world.
the highs and lows of that relationship. That was probably the biggest challenge. I needed to balance the relationship she had with Jacob and her job, which the story attached itself to. These aspects are tied to her motivations, as she is determined to get this job done, but the pay could release her from her work enough to allow her to spend more time with Jacob. Will that actually get her to put in pla- ce some boundaries from work? It was aspects like that that made for a compelling character study. Striking that balance was tricky, but I think readers will get a great sense of her life, both professional and personal.
As a journalist covering video games, mo- vies, and TV, how has your experience in
The creation of her came down to a few things. In the beginning, you get a great description of her.
The story was intended, thematically, to be about workaholics and how consuming work culture is. Abigail has a great relationship with her husband, Jacob. Still, she creates her own friction because she is so devoted to working. The book shows

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