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“As a psychology professor focused on global coherence, I wholeheartedly recommend this book for its clear blueprint in enhancing cognitive skills and societal harmony.”
Stephen B. Shafer – Emeritus Professor Psychology
“BrainUpgrade for the BrainPandmic is exclusively available on A free teaser and a condensed animated version of the book is available for free as well”
    concept of a Brain pandemic and what inspired you to add- ress this topic in your book?
The term Brain Pandemic suggests a widespread cognitive health crisis necessitating urgent action, akin to the global mobiliza- tion seen in medical pandemics. It serves as a metaphor for pervasive mental challenges, highlighting the importance of mental well-being and the transformation of thought processes. By evoking the recent COVID-19 experience, I inten- ded to create cultural resonance, emphasizing the danger of passive conformism and learnt helpless- ness, while epxressing the need
for a collective, transformative response to the real challenges hu- manity and our society is facing by enhancing cognitive functioning.
Can you elaborate on the practical tools and methods you provide in the book for personal and societal transformation?
This book offers the readers techniques to recognize and restru- cture habitual thought patterns that operate beneath conscious aware- ness. Moving beyond the confines of routine thinking is facilitated
by the concept of the 6E ORBIT, which encourages stepping out
of one’s mental comfort zone and dispelling the illusions created
by virtual reality. To cleanse the subconscious mind, I introduce Mental Transformation Animations (MTAs), which leverage a blend
of visualizations, affirmations,
Johan Cools’ visionary insights illuminate paths to personal growth and societal harmony, forging a brighter future through cognitive revolution.
your reality. So I encourage the development of critical thinking, a crucial skill in discerning truth in an age of mass media manipulation. Mindfulness is presented as a tool for increasing self-awareness and managing cognitive biases. If the reader understands neuroplasticity then they have a tool to reshape their limiting beliefs, their lives and their reality. The idea is to empower the reader and to bring them the insight that they are not a helpless drop on a hot plate, but a drop in a powerful wave of increased consci- ousness that can transform society in a more human friendly direction.
mance, there is a chapter about the importance of the heart and flow state—a zone of peak engagement and focus. Communication skills are also addressed, offering a com- prehensive guide to enhance inter- personal connections, particularly when sharing critical or controver- sial information. Lastly, the book fosters critical thinking through the “Fake News Questionnaire,” a tool designed to help readers discern the reliability in an information landscape controlled and censured by mass media.
What motivated you to in- corporate the characters of The Knewits in your book, and how do they contribute to the narrative?
tions that extend beyond the self and foster deeper connections with others. This starts with finding back your authentic
self and connection
with yourself. Then you
set goals that reflect a commitment to broader
societal engagement.
Small, intentional actions
can gradually expand your circle of positive influence, fostering the confidence to enact more signifi- cant transformations. Mindfulness and an open mind become crucial, not just for self-awareness but also for discerning the impact of ex- ternal influences, such as the fear mongering mass media and the pressure of societal conformism. By integrating these principles and insights into your daily life, you cultivate habits that counteract the narrow focus of self-centeredness. The tools provided in this book should be used while keeping your intentions aligned with a greater purpose of contribution, and not limited to personal progress. It is also important to keep educating yourself with an open mind by seeking out authentic sources of information that challenge false narratives. Within these proces- ses patience and persistence are important because societal change and personal change unfold gradually. Finally, it’s important to celebrate not only personal miles- tones but also the small or bigger accomplished changes which cont- ribute towards a loss polar, more connected and empathic world.
What do you hope readers will take away from the book in ter- ms of enhancing their cognitive abilities and contributing to a more harmonious society?
In terms of enhancing cognitive abilities, this book aims to em- power readers with a mindset ge- ared towards continuous learning, by applying metathinking and stepping out of their comfort zone. By reflecting on the way thoughts and emotions create your reality you gain the power to reshape
 and meditation technologies, such as BrainTap, to rewire mental pathways. For those seeking hei- ghtened productivity and perfor-
the book to their daily lives for tangible results?
Firstly it’s essential to set inten-
A sense of social responsibility is encouraged, emphasizing the im- pact of individual contributions to the community. The book promotes global awareness, recognizing the interconnectedness and interde- pendence of all living creatures in our ecosystem and a new way of thinking using the brain-heart to compensate for a left brain domi- nated technocratic society which is leading to degeneration and regres- sion of humanity to digital slavery.
The Knewits add a narrative
layer, making complex ideas more accessible and engaging by giving readers characters to relate to and learn from. Through the family’s experiences, the book’s concepts are vividly demonstrated in real-li- fe scenarios, enhancing reader en- gagement and making the material more enjoyable and memorable. Readers often form an emotional bond with the characters, which can increase their motivation to integrate the book’s lessons into their own lives. Furthermore, the storytelling approach aids memory retention, as the Knewit cartoons can act as mnemonic devices for recalling key points. The insights that the family members expe- rience or the challenges they face
For contributing to a more harmonious society, the book underscores the importance of empathy in recognizing and valuing diverse perspectives, leading to more compassionate interactions.
underscore the messages of personal growth. Light-hearted- ness and humour in the narrative help to soften the delivery of serious content, while the diverse viewpoints within the family reflect a range of controversial perspectives, emphasizing the need for an open mind.
How do you suggest indivi- duals can effectively apply the principles discussed in
It also stresses the significance of effective communication, enabling individuals to share ideas and listen to understand, which is essential for creating trust. Collaboration is key, as many societal challenges are best addressed through united efforts.
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