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     Legends of the Donut Shop: A captivating tale of faith, forgiveness, and second chances, by award-winning author Terry Overton.
 beyond the accolades lies a deeper mission—to share the good news and grow the church through the power of storytelling. With each book she pens, Overton seeks to ignite a spark of faith in the hearts of her readers, guiding them on a jour- ney of discovery and transformation.
As she continues to chart new territories in the realm of Christian literature, Overton’s unwavering dedication to teaching and storytel- ling serves as a beacon of inspirati- on. Through her words, she invites readers to embark on a journey of faith, hope, and endless possibilit- y—a journey that promises to leave an indelible mark on the soul.
Your background in educational and school psychology is exten- sive, with experience ranging from teaching to serving as
a college dean. How has this background influenced your approach to writing Christian books and devotionals?
Teaching has been at the heart of all my professional positions and continues to be the centre of my writing. Teaching in public schools my focus was on individual learning needs of children. Teaching at the university level changed my focus to
Diane M. Dresback, award-win- ning author, and filmmaker, shares insights into her creative process and storytelling journey in an exclusive interview.
Research was always something I loved about academia. In Ch- ristian writing, I conduct similar research on Biblical history, Jewish heritage, world geography, world history, the history of the United States, and historic docu- ments. Authentic Christian fiction requires research. This must be carefully weighed with theo- logical leanings and theological works. When possible, I consult with others who can provide more insight (Rabbis of Jewish faith and heritage, Messianic Jewish Rabbis, Christian pastors, etc.).
Your books have received
several awards, including the
Firebird Book Awards and the
International Book Award Fi-
nalist. How do you feel these
accolades have impacted your
my focus was mentoring faculty
and young administrators. Now, as
a Christian author, I strive to teach Scripture and Christian values. This might mean incorporating Bible history into a time travel series (Newton Chronicles), teaching the true meaning of Christmas using animated ornaments (The Oddball Ornaments), or teaching about Hea- ven and standing up for what is right (Legends of the Donut Shop).
Your book The Journey: The Underground Book Readers explores themes of resilience and perseverance in a dystopian world. What inspired you to write this series, and how do you integrate Christian values into the narrative?
how your own experiences and beliefs inform the messages conveyed in this book?
Last year I interviewed school
and community librarians about the current attempts to censor classic literature and Christian books in the- ir own libraries and administrative structure. Their testimony inspired me to write a series that would place young readers in a world where bo- oks were banned, schools destroyed, and churches burned. The parents of the teen characters had been taken or “disappeared.” This left the teens and preteens in a world that would
He hears the same stories he heard before but this time, each story con- veys a meaning he now understands. He at last embraces the meaning of Scripture and the Bible he had only
This book was inspired by my late father and his buddies, all vete-
rans of the Korean War, WWII, or Vietnam, who met each week at the local donut shop for fellowship and fun. Tales of my father-in-law, and my son-in-law, a rancher in Texas, are also incorporated in the story. The opening scene, a near-death experience, is based on my own ne- ar-death experience from thirty years ago. In the story, a teenage boy has a near-death experience and goes back in time to his childhood visits to the donut shop with his grandfather.
writing career and your mis- superficially absorbed as a child. Thesion to share the good news
same experience of renewed faith
happened to me, and to many others through your books?
  providing sound educational strate- gies, psychological, and behavioural techniques for teachers, counsellors, and school psychologists. As a uni- versity department chair and dean,
be of their own making. They were determined to continue to read, study, and even have their own church in an underground cavern. The children and teens in the series faced threats at every turn and had to rely on each other and the guidance from God through Scripture for survival.
who have had near-death experien- ces. Following this experience, I understood life after death, and I am secure in knowing where I will be following the transition from life to death and Heaven. My dad passed from Covid before he ever read the book. He had seen the cover and three weeks later, he contracted Covid. My mother passed the day before my dad. Dad’s buddies from the donut shop were the pallbearers at the funeral. I was blessed to give each on a copy of the book inspired by their group and my dad.
As a retired university profes- sor, you’ve authored textbooks and journal articles in the fields of special education and school psychology. How do you balan- ce the academic rigor of your professional writing with the storytelling elements of your Christian fiction?
It is hard to determine if the awards have much impact on my career, but I do feel receiving awards might bring credibility
to my writing. Perhaps parents, teachers, or librarians might be more inclined to read a book that has had an award.
Assessing Learners with Special Needs: An Applied Approach is a practical guide for educators. How do you see your expertise in educati- onal psychology intersecting with your passion for writing Christian fiction and devoti- onals?
My writing is geared to teaching as it was in the assessment textbo- ok. In the future, I will be offering study guides for some of the Christian books for children.
Legends of the Donut Shop delves into themes of second chances, life lessons, and forgiveness. Can you discuss
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