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 ‘Maya Fairy’ by Stanislava Buevich, with illustrations by Diana Akhmetova, is a captivating tale that brings the magic of fairies to life. Buevich’s storytelling is enchanting and engaging, making it a must-read for children and adults alike. A delightful blend of mystery and fantasy, beautifully illustrated.
to explore the suspense genre?
  I think all of the books I’ve written so far (ex- cept one, which is magical realism and politi- cal satire) have an element of suspense. What I write reflects my personal taste. Sometimes
I think I should be more pragmatic and write for the market, but at the end of the day, I write books that I want to read. I have three books in different editing stages that fall under the suspense genre to varying degrees. “The Soultrap- per” is a YA sci-fi mystery, “Alyona, Anna, Alisa” (working title) is an ero- tic thriller, and “Remember Bangkok” is a detective fiction novel, the first in
a series.
You mentioned developing a new series of detective novels. What can readers anticipate from this series in terms of mystery, intrigue, and charac-
ter development?
work. My detective, Jessica Tan, is a disheartened millennial who discovers her hidden talent for detective work when a guest at the hotel where she works dies mysteriously. I am currently based in Sin- gapore, and this is my first book that is not set Europe. Jessica will tra-
velacrosstheworldinthefirstandsubsequ- ent books, making it a real global adventure. I’ve been lucky enough to live in six different countries across three continents, and I’m a keen traveler. This series of books is great- ly inspired by my experiences. I am halfway done with book one and have four more rou- ghly outlined.
Your passion for magical realism and thrillers is evident. How do you infuse elements of magic and suspense into your storytelling, and what draws you to these particular genres?
My taste in films and literature inspires what I write. Most of my favorite books—One Hundred Years of Solitude, One Hundred Shadows, Slaughterhouse-Five, Master and Margarita—fall under the magical realism category.Mostofmyfilmsarehorror,althou- gh of the subtle, comedic, often magical kind. Because I read and watch a lot in this genre, it comes naturally to me to infuse my own work with the surreal.
As you embark on this literary jour- ney, how do you plan to connect with your audience through your blog, newsletter, and other platforms?
Gosh, I really should up my game when it comes to this. I am writing (albeit very slowly) a prologue for “Clearlake,” as a lot of readers wanted one. I will distribute it for free via my website (https://www.stacywri-, where you can also subscri- be to my newsletter. I always promise myself to be more active on social media, @Stacyw- ritesbooks on Instagram and TikTok, but truth be told, I’m a bit rubbish at that. However, I am always on Goodreads, and I often post reviews of the books I read. I’m starting a Master’s degree in creative writing this year and planning to document my journey. May-
I was a huge fan of Agatha Ch- ristie growing up, and “Remem- ber Bangkok” pays homage to her
be that could make for an interesting blog?
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