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Continued from page 8 emerges as a guiding light, offe-
moment in your life that significantly influenced your perspective on spirituality?
parents know all there was to know about spiritua- lity?” I wanted to know. After college I began to explore different versions of spirituality.
How do you integrate spirituality into your work as a psychothe- rapist?
In my psychotherapy practice, I discovered that many clients wanted to talk about their spirituality. To meet their needs, I be- gan asking them about the subject. I had felt from my 20’s that we are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and that we need to attend to all these parts in order to balance and become more whole as a person. I embraced this
Now I ask as a matter of course. Many of my clients come work with me because I lead meditations and know meditative tools. Sometimes they want me to do that work with them.
What advice would you give to someone who is just beginning their
In your experience, what role does self-love play in achieving spiritual fulfillment?
Self-love grows as you get to know yourself; you release your wound pain; you give yourself the benefit of the doubt. We all have some kind of emotional, mental, spiritual and/or physical pain.
This pain is there for a reason.
It isn’t because we are less than or flawed as a human in some way. I have found that all negative opini- ons, beliefs we have about ourselves, comes from some painful experience we’ve had, that we weren’t helped
to heal from. We carry these ideas, sometimes for years. Working with your inner child and helping that part of your psyche get what you needed those many years ago helps to grow compassion for yourself; helps self-love grow.
To me all of us is spiritual. When we attend to all aspects of ourselves we grow in self-love. When we
find the spiritual focus that nurtures us and helps us to feel love from spiritual Sources, self-love grows even more.
My experience has been that when we hang out in Spiritual energy (to me, Source, Pure Love energy) we are automatically being cleaned up, like taking a shower or bath in Light. And the negative ideas, beliefs, etc. about ourselves begin to loosen up and release.
How do you balance the diffe- rent aspects of your life—men- tal, emotional, physical, and spiritual?
I love to balance all of me. Waking up and being grateful for the day. Re- lating to nature – the trees, flowers, birds, animals. Talking to them and being grateful for them. Eating healt- hy for my body. Finding doctors that are on the same wavelength as I am. Exercising every day. Surrounding myself with people I love. Medita- ting every day.
I lead meditations and the people who come to those meditations nurture me.
All the above helps when I get thrown off course; when fear comes up. Talking to close friends I trust. Going to acupuncture, a chiroprac- tor, getting a massage. Hearing live music or seeing a show. Anything that gives me breaks from the routine
  Her books: thrilling, pas-
sionate, and unputdownable, weaving tales of love, suspense, and adventure that leave readers craving more.
ring insights and inspiration to all who seek to illuminate their path toward spiritual enlightenment.
I was raised an atheist. At 15 years old, one afternoon I was sitting outside in our backyard. A question appeared within, “Did my
What inspired you to write A Touch of Light and share your spiritual journey with
 Ann Naimark’s profound wisdom and compassionate guidance illuminate the path to self-discovery and spiritual growth. A truly enlightening interview!
of life that is fun for me.
Could you share some of the most impactful practices or techniques that have helped you on your spiritual journey?
EMDR (eye movement desensi- tization and restructuring) is very helpful. I’ve done it personally and I use it a lot with clients. Tapping (EFT) helps to balance all parts of us and release stress.
Hatha Yoga was one of the first techniques I learned in my 20’s.
I loved the deep relaxation at the conclusion of the practice where you are focused on your body and paying attention to every part; get- ting to know how each part feels.
What do you hope readers will take away from A Touch of Light after reading your book?
My goal for A Touch of Light is to encourage readers to pursue their own life path their own way. We are all different. We’re drawn to diffe- rent spiritual styles. What works for one won’t work for another. Find what helps YOU emotionally, spi- ritually, mentally and physically. I am not a marathon runner, but some people love it and gets them into a meditative state where they feel joy and lightness. It feeds them. What feeds you and brings you joy, peace, freedom, balance, love?
When I was 30 years old, my dad (a prolific writer) suggested I write the story of my life. I listened,
but couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to read it?
Many years later I was having lunch in San Francisco with Ron, a 40-year friend. He wanted to write his life story. I recalled my dad’s words. I had been feeling urges to do that too. As we talked, it felt like the shape of our books began to form. We agreed to support each other using his nun-teacher’s advice, “If you want to write just AIC – get your ass in the chair!” So we began, checking in with each other- “have you AIC?”
Can you describe a pivotal
journey of self-discovery and spiritual exploration?
Tune into what makes your heart sing! What do you love? Nature? Church? Singing? Praying? Yoga?
Be in community with like-min- ded folks who will support you
and you, them. Explore. Read on spiritual subjects that interest you. Meditate with different groups to see how it feels to you. This is your journey, and it must fit your nature, your inclinations. It may change along the way. No matter. Go with your own flow. Tune into your feelings – does it feel right?
One way I know that something is good for me is when I get a calm feeling. Does the experience meet an emotional, mental, spiritual
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