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both wanted that challenge.
What personal experiences have shaped your determi- nation to create solutions for inflammation, pain, and addiction?
model makes the length of time to develop a drug longer, for both the pharmaceutical company and the patient. Which is where Sen-Jam sees the opportunity of rapidly and at low cost, developing innovative products that can challenge the larger pharmaceutical company inventions by targeting the same unique mechanism of action, but with an already available, known to be safe, drug. So being nimble, is our secret sauce, as we leverage new technology (i.e. artificial intelligence, digital clinical trials, companion diagnostics, collabora- tive partnerships, etc.) to achieve our goals of bringing new and superior solutions to patients as fast as possible.
How do you envision the futu- re of Sen-Jam Pharmaceutical in terms of its impact on global health?
to aspiring pharmacists and entrepreneurs looking to make a difference in the pharmaceu- tical industry?
I believe that history repeats it- self, and all the large pharmaceuti- cal companies were initially started by a pharmacist, with an idea. And entrepreneurs are filled with new ideas infused with creativity. I believe that is where it begins, and then you start walking that path and learning how to do it your unique way. The industry is massive, and there are a lot of opportunities with some hard work. So your passion has to be your calling. Don’t be afraid to bring a fresh mind to these large entrenched problems. In fact, we believe Einstein had it right when he said “you cannot solve a problem with the same conscious- ness that created it.” Trust your instincts when something seems
off to you and follow the data fier- cely. The industry needs creative problem solvers like you so go out there and explore what’s possible. Expect to face adversity, especially where money is holding the power in the room, but have conviction in your beliefs (and your data!) and always do your best.
Can you provide more details about Sen-Jam Pharmaceuti- cal’s recent partnership with a pharmaceutical manufacturer, Manufacturing & Controls (CMC), of your anti-inflamma- tory injectable, and how this collaboration will impact your product development and distribution?
As a pharmacist, but more so, as a human, seeing the devastation
 Jacqueline Iversen is a pioneering force in clinical pain management and pharmaceutical innovation, dedicated to transforming patient care and advancing wellness.
pain management which stemmed from my research fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York City. It was during that time, decades ago, that I first became fascinated by how the medical community treated pain well after the fact or reactively instead of considering means of preventing
or mitigating it proactively. I am
a hospital pharmacist who loves science and sees thousands of people yearly who continue to struggle with ailments, despite the plethora of medications currently available. I have always wanted to improve outcomes with evidence based ideas that challenge the sta- tus quo. As for my husband; he’s
a brilliant business mind rooted deeply in logistics and efficiency. Bringing that sharp solutions-orien- tation to the infamously old-school pharma industry has been a true competitive advantage to our success. Rethinking the industry paradigm, with Jim at the helm
as CEO and I as Chief Clinical Officer, we believed it would result in new, more innovative products reaching patients in need. And we
and suffering brought onto individuals
and their families, plaguing our society and the world by unethical pharmaceuti- cal business practices, utilizing addictive drugs, makes me so angry, that I have felt a personal duty to use my knowledge to help out where I can. I re- alized, had alternative pharmaceutical pro- ducts been developed just before Oxycontin, we could have reduced the risk and devas- tation of widespread opioid addiction and
Sen-Jam is on a mission to extend healthy aging by safely modulating our immune system. The immune system is just now, being understo- od and mapped, into a vast web of differentiated cells and mediators that influence our health for a lifetime. Sen-Jam’s mission is to support an individual’s immune system, by first ensuring propering monitoring, and measuring of the immune system’s role in health
dependence. I believe that drug development has the potential to change prescribing and drug po-
 licy, by educating everyone, and I wanted to share my knowledge this way. An idea that could be distri- buted to many. That’s where my research began, treating pain with a non-opioid agent that also reduces the harmful effects of opioids. And along the way, I’ve additionally discovered new treatments to reduce inflammation, and safely modulate the immune system, which coincidentally, is intimately tied to pain and addiction.
What challenges have you faced in developing low-cost therapeutics for underserved populations, and how have you overcome them?
The majority of drugs, over
50% each year that obtain FDA approval, are repurposed, low-cost therapeutics that could reduce healthcare expenditure - parti- cularly in the United States, but elsewhere as well - and expand access to all populations. And the majority of companies develop drugs in that repurposed space; which makes it very crowded. Yet, the larger investors focus on what we would consider “designer drugs’’ which are where larger pharma companies reside. That risk to reward benefit is extremely high. This designer investment
and disease. And secondly, or more deliberately, treating inflammati- on further upstream proactively (meaning before tissue damage and disease have taken root) than cur- rent therapeutics do. It’s currently believed that with overuse, our immune system can become fra- gile, and slow, leading to diseases that require very potent, immuno- suppressive treatments (i.e. costly “designer drugs” for Inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, cancer, etc). By targeting inflammation using a broad-spectrum anti-inf- lammatory without damaging the immune system more, Sen-Jam
Our partnership with KVK-Te- ch is a massive accelerant to our drug development activities. By working closely and early with
our incredibly capable colleagues at this world-class manufacturing and controls organization, we are able to produce the highest quality product in the most efficient means possible. KVK and Sen-Jam forged an initial partnership around our oral mast cell modulator and recently entered a third drug development project together with the plans of developing the first mast cell modulating injectable
is able to proactively change the course of inflammation for more than half the world. And inflam- mation comes in several forms: acute, chronic, autoimmune, and low grade chronic inflammation. We believe we can protect the immune system by preventing
and reducing the initial cascade of inflammation that occurs, whether from our environment (diet, stress, allergies, substances of abuse, etc) or from disease (cardiometabolic, autoimmune or cancer).
for hospital use. We believe this product offers a much needed tool for physicians to transform care in that setting.
What advice would you give

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