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herry Argov, the acclaimed author of Why Men Marry Bitches and Why Men Love Bitches, has captivated readers worldwide with her insightful take on relationships. Renowned as
garnering significant attention and praise. What inspired you to write these books, and what do you hope readers will take away from them?
“America’s Top Relationship Guide” by Book Tribe and hailed as one of the “Ten Most Iconic Books of the Past Decade” by Yahoo, Argov’s influence extends far beyond the pages of her bestselling books.
Thank you for your kind words, which are very gracious. My inspiration came from the insightful feedback that I received from many men I inter- viewed who shared what they secretly respect and desire in a woman. It was very surprising to me to learn that the traits men want are the oppo- site of what most women believe. Most women believe they will be valued more if they try har- der and do more to please their boyfriends or hus- bands. In my interviews with men, they explained that they do not want a woman who consistently sacrifices herself and who puts him on a pedestal. Instead, men desire and respect a woman who is more self-assured, independent and confident in herself, and less needy of reassurance from him. The message of my books is to always keep your
With over 100 magazine features and appearan- ces on national television shows like The Today Show and The View, Sherry Argov has become a household name in the realm of romance and sel- f-empowerment. Her message resonates deeply with readers, challenging common misconcep- tions about love and urging women to embrace their independence and self-worth.
In this exclusive interview with Entrepreneur Prime Magazine, Sherry Argov delves into the inspiration behind her books, sharing
insights gained from interviews
lead to the desired response from your partner in return. Successful relationships take time and people tend to value what they’ve earned. My books give specific examples that lead to a more balanced and success-
ful relationship.
Another misconception is that a woman’s beauty will lead to success in relationships. Most women are led to believe that if she is beautiful, a man will appear on a white horse, pay all her bills and solve all her problems. Yet beautiful women can have terrible relationships, while ordinary women are treated like queens. The men I interviewed desire a woman who has her own values, principles, goals, and a strong sense of who she is. They also shared that it’s rare to find a woman who believes in herself. This is not just my opinion. It’s what men told me over and over. A confident woman is never ordinary.
In Why Men Love Bitches, and Why Men Marry Bitches you emphasize the impor- tance of women standing up for themsel- ves and maintaining their independence in relationships. Can you elaborate on
Unveiling Insights with
Decoding Relationships, Empowering Women, and Redefining Love
with hundreds of men and offering
practical advice for navigating the
complexities of modern relations-
hips. From debunking myths about
romance to empowering women to
stand up for themselves, Argov’s
wisdom shines through as she encourages readers to prioritize their own happiness and fulfilment.
life, maintain your independence and to pursue other interests outside of your relationship. My message to women is to always stand on your own two feet. Your happiness should not depend on another person.
Both of your books delve into the dynamics of romantic relationships and offer practical advice for women seeking to assert themselves and navi- gate the dating world more confidently. What are some common misconceptions about relations- hips that you address through your writing?
Let’s start with the misconception that if you are all-giving, overly generous and always available, you will get the same in return. Most women have given too much of themselves in
a relationship and relate to the feeling of being taken for granted. My books explain why giving too much to someone (especially someone you’ve just met) may backfire, and why it doesn’t always
Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov explores why men are drawn to strong, self-assured women. Packed with witty insights and practical advice, it empowers women to command respect while maintaining romantic allure.
As her bestselling books continue to soar to the top of international bestseller lists and inspire readers of all ages and backgrounds, Sherry Argov’s universal message of self-confidence and empowerment transcends cultural boundaries. With each page turn, readers discover the trans- formative power of embracing their true selves and asserting their worth in every aspect of life.
Join us as we delve into the mind of this influ- ential author and relationship expert, and uncover the keys to building healthier, more fulfilling partnerships in a world where love and self-res- pect reign supreme.
Your books, Why Men Love Bitches and Why Men Marry Bitches, have been acclaimed as insightful relationship guides